Maximize the work you have completed by sharing it with your team and how to add it to your LinkedIn and Stretch@KP profile.
Craft a presentation
Share your project work with your home department
Show what skills you've developed on a document to your manager
Schedule project presentations with mentors or other colleagues
Share your success story
Email the Stretch@KP team to be featured as a success story
Use what you learned to help other colleagues see the benefits
See other success stories for inspiration
Add project work to your profiles
Update your LinkedIn
Input project details and impact on your resume and/or personal website
Highlight your project accomplishments on your Stretch@KP profile
To add a project to your LinkedIn profile:
Click the "Me" dropdown under your profile icon at top of your LinkedIn homepage.
Click View profile.
Select Accomplishments from the Add profile section on the right rail of the page.
Click the + Add icon to the right of Projects.
Fill out the fields.
Click Save.
To add a project to your Stretch@KP profile:
Login to the portal.
From your Workspace, select My Profile under your profile image.
Select Edit Profile from the About Me section on the right rail of the page.
Scroll down to Work Experience section and select the Add Work Experience button.
Fill out the fields.
Click Submit.
Note: All Stretch Projects you've done are shown on the bottom left of your Profile page. However, adding each project into your work experience allows you to highlight your specific role, learnings, contributions, and accomplishments with each individual experience.