How to clarify expectations before the start of the project and a template of a sample team charter to use.
Why a Team Charter is Important
A team charter defines your team’s overall objectives, resources, and constraints. It is not always necessary but can be helpful with getting the project started and keeping it on track.
For teams to be successful, they need to have a basic understanding of why they exist, where they fit, and how they’ll accomplish their objectives.
Documenting procedures and roles can help identify the quality of work the team prescribes to. It also helps hold everyone accountable in a manner agreed to by the whole team.
Create Your Team Charter
by discussing the following components:
Team Purpose
Why does the project team exist?
What is the team trying to accomplish?
Who is the team accountable to?
With what other groups/teams do we connect?
What specific results do we expect from our efforts?
What outcomes (cost, quality, speed, service, quantity, innovation of X) do we want? How can we measure that?
Who is on the team?
What perspective does each member bring?
Are there special roles (e.g., leader, facilitator, etc?) or sub-groups within the team?
Work Processes
What processes will we use to do the team’s work? (List them out, step by step.)
How often will we meet?
Who determines and manages our agenda?
How will we connect with our stakeholders and other sponsors of our work?
How would we like to make decisions together? What decision process will we use?
What level of decision-making responsibility do we have?
What is everyone's preferred method of communication?
How should we communicate if we are unable to meet a deadline?
How will we communicate with each other?