Stretch@KP Project
[stretCH at kay pi prä-jekt]
def: any piece of work or idea that you need resources for
"wow, I didn't know that could be a Stretch@KP project"
What is a project?
A project is any piece of work you need assistance with, that also provides an employee with the opportunity to build or hone an interest or skillset. It could be anything from creating strategy and processes, to bringing an idea to life, to an extra hand for an event.
Is there anything you need help with? Do you need extra resources? If so, we may be able to help you!
Don't overthink it.
You don't need to know all the details right now. We are here to be a thought partner and help you figure out the pieces of creating a compelling project. Do you have an idea but not sure how to get started? Fill out the form below and we will reach out to explore more.
What are some examples of projects?
1 day duration
2 Event Coordinators
Volunteers for a compliance carnival
3 month duration
1 Web Designer
Creation of a new SharePoint site
6 month duration
4 Program Managers
Provide meditation and mindfulness opportunities for employees
1 year duration
1 Project Manager
& 4 Consultants
Create a formal program to link KP talent to Community Board of Director opportunities
How long do projects last?
It varies, but the average project lasts for 3 to 6 months, with the participants spending approximately 2 to 8 hours a week on it. However, projects could be a one day event that are only a few hours total, or they could be a year long project that requires 8 hours of time every week.
How long does it take to get resources for my project?
On average, it takes around 3 to 5 weeks from the posting of your project. The process is as follows:
Scope your project to post.
Once posted, invite applicants.
Virtually meet with candidates to choose your participant(s).
Offer them the role and, if accepted, get started.
Please note that a majority of time depends on how quickly you get back to and conduct two-way discussions with applicants.
What kind of talent is available for projects?
500 experts in
project management
400 experts in
process improvement
300 experts in
300 experts in
financial analysis​
300 experts in
400 experts in
website design
500 experts in
400 experts in
data entry
How have others used Stretch@KP?
Employees use Stretch@KP in many different ways. It's not only a way to get important work done, but it's also a tool for:
networking and making connections across the organization
getting management experience
working on something that you're passionate about
learning about something new or test driving an interest
building out entrepreneurial and innovative ideas